Manually backup databases managed by plesk for linux

 Wrote a quick little script to get all the mysql database names managed by Plesk for linux and then manually back them up.


MYSQLPASS=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`
# Day of week
DAY=`date +%u`

# Backup mysql database
mysqldump -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` -c -e –add-drop-table –add-locks –allow-keywords mysql > $DIR/mysql.$DAY.sql

for DB in `mysql -Ns -uadmin -p$MYSQLPASS -Dpsa -e “select name from data_bases”`;
do mysqldump -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` -c -e –add-drop-table –add-locks –allow-keywords $DB > $DIR/$DB.$DAY.sql;

Plesk 8.6 Windows statistics.exe error

 Upgraded Windows Plesk 8.2 to 8.6 due to the statistics.exe processusing 100% CPU for > 12 hours causing the machine it become unresponsive.  The upgrade to Plesk 8.6 went surprisingly well and didn’t fatally break the system.

Two things did happen though:

1/ It reset permissions on custom installed components such as jMail etc.

2/ Statistics.exe appeared to have a bug in it causing it not to run at all.  Event viewer showed:

Error message: Faulting application statistics.exe, version 8.600.0.0, faulting module msvcr80.dll, version 8.0.50727.1433, fault address 0x00008aa0.

Parallels forum post discussed this issue (amoung other issues) and a patch was issued:


sergius presented the fix:


Thank you for the reports.

Please download updated modules SiteAppStatistics.dll, statistics.exe and copy it to %plesk_bin%.
Please backup old modules before copying.

Any feedback is appreciated.

The above patched dll and exe worked for me.