Vertical jump exercises start of week 9

I have read through the Vertical Jump Bible ( ) and I have been loosely following the novice strength program for 8 weeks with modifications.  I am a few weeks behind on the program as I wanted to take my time on the first phase and build up some strength before progressing to the next phases.

I have now completed Phase I (weeks 1 – 5), Phase II (weeks 6 – 8 ) and just starting Phase III now.

Tonight was work out A and completed:

  • Squat: 1 x 6 @ 80kg and 3 x 6 @ 90kg
  • 1 and 1/3 squats: 2 x 8 @ 70kg
  • Leg curls (quick up, hold 2 sec, down over 8 seconds): 4 x 6 @ 56kg
  • Calf raises: 3 x 20

The 1 and 1/3 squats were extremely difficult and took about 10-15 minutes to recover… in fact, I felt light headed after doing those.

From week one I’ve seen the following increases over the 8 weeks:

  • Squats: 50kg/60kg -> 90kg (33% increase… 4% per week)
  • Leg curls with delays: 39kg -> 56kg (30% increase… 3.75% per week)

I’ve read some sites that say with squats you can expect to see 5% weekly increases, so, I’m very happy with 4% over the weeks.

Although very happy with the weight increases, testing the vertical leap at the end of week 5 showed less than an inch increase.  Going to test the vertical again Friday and start introducing the beginner plyometrics exercises into the program over the coming week.


Synology DS209+ uPNP Re-indexing media files (fixed)

After contacting Synology support they confirmed that this is a known bug and they logged into the system and now after going into the management interface and clicking “Re-index” it has worked.  I can once again see the media files via the uPNP & the PS3.

Waiting to hear back from the support team what the problem was and how it can be fixed in the future without having to contact them.

It appears to be with the postgresql database server, which, for some reason was killed shortly after poweron:

Apr  2 17:29:27 kernel: Out of memory: kill process 2320 (postgres) score 17669 or a child
Apr  2 17:29:27 kernel: Killed process 2323 (postgres)

Then the index daemon had similar issues:

Apr  2 17:30:45 kernel: Out of memory: kill process 2490 (synoindexd) score 6426 or a child
Apr  2 17:30:45 kernel: Killed process 2490 (synoindexd)
Apr  2 18:16:34 dms: pgsql.c (133) Failed to re-connect to (null), user: admin, db:mediaserver. (could not connect to server: No such file or directory ^IIs the server running locally and accepting ^Iconnections on Unix domain socket “/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432”? )

I hope Synology support can suggest a fix for the future, or, firmware update.

In the below forum posts there are two suggestions on how to possibly fix the problem.  The suggestion of moving the files, disabling upnp, re-enabling and moving the files back sounds like the better solution, but, I haven’t tested either yet as Synology appears to have fixed the issue on my machine.

Update:  It turns out that a media file was causing the indexing process of the ds209+ to use a lot of memory and crash… causing the ds209+ not to display any media via uPNP.  The media was renamed and machine rebooted and then it re-indexed fine.