Get data out of a Plesk backup manually


The above URL showed 3 methods, but, went for the second.

It can be done using mpack tools to work with MIME files. This packet is included into Debian:

# apt-get install mpack

For other Linux systems you can try to user RPM from ALT Linux:

or compile mpack from the sources:

– Create an empty directory to extract the back up file:

# mkdir recover
# cd recover

and copy backup into it.By default Plesk backup is gzipped (if not, use cat), so run zcat to pass data to munpack to extract content of directories from the backup file:

# cat DUMP_FILE | munpack

In result you get the set of tar and sql files that contain domains’ directories and databases. Untar the needed directory. For example if you need to restore the httpdocs folder for the DOMAIN.TLD domain:

# tar xvf DOMAIN.TLD.htdocs

NOTE: ‘munpack’ utility may not work with files greater then 2Gb and during dump extracting you may receive the error like

# cat DUMP_FILE | munpack
DOMAIN.TLD.httpdocs (application/octet-stream)
File size limit exceeded

In this case try the next way below.

Cobalt serial console details & single user mode


To connect to a Cobalt you will need a null modem cable and the following details:

Otherwise, for a RAQ4/RAQ550: 115200 bps, N-8-1 parity
Or, for a RAQ3 and other possibly other models: 9600 bps, N-8-1 parity

To get into single user mode follow this article:

Or, simply power cycle the cobalt and press space as soon as you see text. Then…

  • type: boot
  • type: set_params single
  • type: bfd